Adjust ROI

After Photo Alignment, 3D Viewer should display the tie points and a yellow Region of Interest (ROI) box. The default ROI covers all of the scene. If you only need to reconstruct some region, you can adjust the ROI to reduce computation for future steps. Building Dense Cloud, Building DEM / DSM and Building DOM / TDOM only work in ROI.

Resize ROI

Click [3D View]->[ROI]->[Resize]resize_box.png on the menu bar to start resizing ROI,then drag the ROI corner to resize. Click resize_box.png again to stop resizing.


Rotate ROI

Click [3D View]->[ROI]->[Rotate]rotation_box.png on the menu bar to start rotating ROI. Click it again to stop.

  • Drag to rotate the ROI
  • Drag the rotation circle to rotate around axis

Reset ROI

Click [3D View]->[ROI]->[Reset]resetbox4.png on the menu bar to reset ROI.

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